The Raw Berry Press

Blueberry Vitamin Bomb


SKU: 002 Category:

The blueberry vitamin bomb is a 100% pure natural blueberry juice. THAT’S ALL. It’s a sweetish juice, bursting with blueberry flavour. It’s particularly high in vitamins C and K as well as in antioxidants and the mineral manganese. This juice has anti-aging properties and may reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, including obesity, cancer and type 2 diabetes. It improves heart health and brain function and also helps in muscle recovery after strenuous exercise.




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This juice should be stored in a refrigerator, where it can be kept for up to 150 days. The juice may also be frozen to extend its shelf life. This juice may be stored out of the fridge for up to 10 days to allow for unrefrigerated transport but should thereafter be returned to the fridge. The juice should be consumed within 3-5 days after the cap has been removed, and within 30 days after the tap has first been opened in the 2-litre bag-in-box format.


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