The citrus bomb berry blend juice is a specially formulated juice that contains a strong base of the superfood cape gooseberry and orange, with strong tones of grapefruit and lemon. THAT’S ALL. It’s a tart, slightly bitter juice due to the grapefruit, but is zesty and refreshing with high fibre and an expected vitamin C punch. It’s a high energy, low sugar juice that is packed with antioxidants and a wide range of vitamins and essential oils. This juice will boost the immune system and support a healthy cardiovascular system with anti-inflammatory protection.
Eric –
Flippin lekker!! Great tasting way of getting my vitamin c up. I didn’t know the gooseberry was such an excellent superfruit, full of vitamin c and the main ingredient.
Tom –
Riebeek Kasteel’s newest secret that shouldn’t be a secret…what an amazing range of berry drinks. This was defs my favourite!!
Adam –
Saw this at Kleinsky’s bagel deli (AWESEOME) in Seapoint…WOW. Gooseberry drink with lemon and orange AND grapefruit. Flu/covid voetsek!
Tom –
What an awesome way to get your Vitamin C. I never knew the gooseberry was so high in it.